Monday, July 1, 2019

IMPACT Chicago Social Media

IMPACT Chicago engages in social media in three main ways: 
  • Daily Facebook (over 1200 posts M-F since 2008)
  • Weekly IMPACT Chicago Blog  (447 Blogs since January 2011)
  • Monthly E-News (120 newsletters since April 2010)
Broadly speaking, our content is focused on:
  • Empowerment – not a downer or fear-based
  • Power, self-efficacy, and resilience not a message of charity or helping
  • Tools, not Rules (i.e. no “safety tips”)
  • Ordinary people engaging in things that are accessible to the majority of people to take action about, not the extraordinary efforts of a few individuals who have resources unavailable to most people.
  • A challenge to stereotypes or myths rooted in sexist, racist, class-based, religious, national notions.
  • Action and reflection
Meet our Social Media Team

Arden, Social Media Consultant

"I work with IMPACT Chicago to develop social media strategies to create a greater sense of community and a broader reach to women in the Chicagoland area."

Dana, E-news Editor

"I appreciate the opportunity to help with IMPACT’s e-newsletter. IMPACT has a wonderful community of graduates and supporters, and I love helping to keep them informed and connected. 

Kim, Facebook Technical Coordinator

"I got involved with IMPACT Chicago after my teenage daughter completed IMPACT for Girls. I saw what a difference it made in her confidence and I felt better knowing she had the skills and the belief in her abilities to protect herself." 

Maple Joy, Blog Contributor

"What better way to encourage, empower, and embrace than to share stories that can impact someone's life for the best. I look forward to blogging about the benefits that myself and others have experienced by taking IMPACT." 

Martha, Social Media Coordinator, Editor, & Contributor

"I'm committed to using social media to bring more people into our classes, to appreciate the power and courage of the people who take our programs, to network with other empowerment organizations, and to contribute to building a public more informed about violence against women, IMPACT, and Empowerment Self-Defense."

Rachel, Facebook Contributor

"I'm excited about using Facebook to help IMPACT grads connect with one another and reflect on their experience. It's also a great way to spotlight examples of the diverse ways that people use techniques like voice and boundary setting to advocate for themselves and others."

Interested in Joining the IMPACT Chicago Social Media Team?
  • Like, comment, share, and contribute any day!
  • Contribute to a social media platform we are not currently using
We know there are more social media platforms out there! We need volunteers with knowledge of other platforms, the willingness to develop deep knowledge about IMPACT, and the time to keep a social media platform current. Contact us if you would like to join the team.

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