A mighty and resounding “THANK YOU” to IMPACT Chicago’s 2020 Donors! Your generosity enables us to bring IMPACT self-defense training to more people who identify as women and girls.
Tuition and grants cover about 65% of the costs of the Core Program and IMPACT for Girls. Donations cover the rest.
Jeanne Adams - in honor of Lois Adams
Janet Altman
Laney Amoroso
Lisa Amoroso - In honor of Martha Thompson
Bettie Thompson Ashbee
Arden Austin
James Baima
Ellyn & John Bank - in honor of Martha Thompson
Arlene Benzinger - in honor of Martha Thompson
Lili Betancourt
Susan Blessing
Amy Blumenthal
Tara Brinkman
Bruce Brio
Pat Broughton
Sheila & Steve Carson
Adam Charney
Aaron Christensen
Bryan Cleal
Nancy Cohen
Rachel Collins
Dorianne Conn
Dianne (Dee) Costanzo - in honor of Martha Thompson & in memory of Adrian Costanzo
Cyd Curtis Bates
Mari Jo De Paolo
Kevin DeJovine
Donna Del Principe - in honor of Martha Thompson
Carla Eisenberg - in honor of Martha Thompson
Cheri Erdman - in honor of Claire Tropp - class '89
Margaret Evans
Korrin A. Fallbacher
Tam Fletcher
Kira Freigang
Laurie Fuller
Anne Gendler & David Leib
Therese Given
Jennifer Gould
Robyn & Tijuana Gray
Amanda Gregory - in honor of Martha Thompson
Amy E. Harmon - in honor of Martha Thompson
Margit Henderson
Loretta Jackson - in honor of Martha Thompson
Carol Jennings - in honor of Martha Thompson
Linda Kaplan
June Kirk - in honor of Martha Thompson
Kasey Klipsch & Angela Sherrill - Dianne Costanzo Fund
Katherine (Katie) Knapowski
Susan Landwer
Ruth Lipschutz - in honor of Martha Thompson
Mary Loftus
Betsy Lucas
Martin Lucas
Rachel Lucas-Thompson Graham
Margaret McGrath - in honor of Martha Thompson
Debra Mier & Sheila Hickey
Emily Moreno
Jeannette & Terry Mostrom
Priya Nelson
Shiyu & Anthony Nitsos
Clara Orban
Piper Parker
Svetlana (Liz) Pfau - in honor of Martha Thompson
Lisa Pines
Rachel Preveau
Ann-Christine Racette
Don & Judy Rosedale - in honor of Martha Thompson
Kim Ruhana - in honor of Martha Thompson
Roger & Loriann Safian
Laura Sanders - in honor of Martha Thompson
Asha Sarode
Gail Schubert
Linda Stawicki
Tracey Shafroth
Peggy Shinner
Katie Skibbe - in honor of Martha Thompson
Karen Staib Duffy
Patrice Stearley
Charlotte Suk
Martha Thompson - in honor of all the students since 1987
Margaret (Marge) Tomasik
C.M. Villa - in honor of Martha Thompson
Carrie Villa
Iris Waichler - in honor of Martha Thompson
Amy Wallin
Elizabeth West - in honor of Martha Thompson
Amelia (Mimi) Wilson
Amelia Zimet
Please let us know if we have made any errors. Thank you!
Thank you to all of you who donated in my honor and all who donated to keep IMPACT Chicago a thriving organization!