Monday, February 11, 2019

2018 Donors Make an IMPACT

Thank you to all those who supported the IMPACT Chicago 2018 Fund Drive and the Fundraiser for the Suited Instructor Campaign! Tuition covers about 65% of the costs of the Core Program and IMPACT for Girls. Donors cover the rest. Donations to the Suited Instructor Fund have made it possible for us to train and equip two new suited instructors and to support starting a third suit in training. Your generosity enables us to bring self-defense training to more women and girls. 

Names in Alphabetical order by last name along with any comments. Thank you!

Jeanne Adams  in memory of Grandma Berger
Patrizia Acerra
AJ Aguado
Janet Altman  Impact changed my life. I want to help others benefit from Impact.
David & Janet Altman 
Lisa & Phil Tracy Amoroso on behalf of IMPACT Chicago's incredible staff!
Mary Amoroso
Caryn Andrews
Anonymous Costanzo scholarship fund x 2
Anonymous x28
Bettie Ashbee
Arden Austin
Elizabeth Austin  Here's to your success!!

Judy B
Michele B
Alan Ball
Melissa Banks
Cari Barcas  Proud of you, Robin! 
JM & RC Block
Amy Blumenthal
Mary Boyer
Linda Braasch
Tara Brinkman
Caroline Brown
James Buell

Kellie Carbone  I took an IMPACT class in 1998 and it changed my life. I saw that I was strong and worth defending. The compassion and expertise of the suited instructors were instrumental in that transformation for me.
Joan Carlson
Giulia Casani
M.S. Cohen
Nancy & Ira Cohen  in honor of Martha Thompson
Christina Collins
Dori Conn Took the class almost 30 years ago, carry it with me every day, tell people about it all the time.
Dominic Conti  Keep up the good work!
Dee Costanzo in memory of Adrian Costanzo, for Dianne Costanzo scholarship fund
Kate Cummings
Kevin Cundiff Thank you gentlemen for ALL that you are doing to empower those women. Best of luck!
Tammy & James DeBoer
Michele Dillon
Laura M. Dini
Karen Staib Duffy
Dana Dunham

Sarah Eck
Cheri Erdman in memory of Clare Troop (class of 1989)

Kate Fahlsing
Patti Fievoli  Thank you for this opportunity to contribute to this life changing and inspiring organization.  The skills I have learned lives on in my life every day and spreads as I share my story and experience with others.  I appreciate you all very much.  
Lauren Fisher Get it! xoxo, Robin!
Michelle Foley Best of luck Janette 
Sarah Follmer

Ann Ganch
Eileen Gelblat
Anne Gendler & David Leib
Ann Gerbin
Goldberg Kohn Foundation
Jennifer Gould  I praise God for the work you do
Rachel Graham  Proud to support such a great organization!
Robyn & Tijuana Gray
Sarah Green
Alison Gronau
Ken Gruberman  Supporting IMPACT Chicago and, by extension, empowering women? Sounds good to me!

Keith H
Meghan Hammond
Bianka Hardin
Amy Harmon
Debb Harp
Margit Henderson
Victoria Herbert Costanzo scholarship fund
Katie Hess
Jean Hoove
Aaron Huey Thanks to AC for being a great friend, trainer and most of all, an example.

Athena J  Took this class years ago; glad to see it is still around. Good luck!
Loretta Jackson
Carol Jennings
Rikki and Mike Jones
Pam Jurkowski in memory of Casimir & Helen Halaj

Margaret Katch
Allison Katz
Antjuan Kee
Cara Kelliher  Best of luck Janette, good on you!
Jennifer Kinkade  ****Yes!
Aine Knightly Best of luck Janette 
Martina Kodrun  This is so important.. thank you and much love from Slovenia.
Christina Kyres

Ashley Lamers
Laura Landsberger
Susan Landwer
Emilee Lales
Nancy Lanoue & Sarah Ludden  It's an honor to support the wonderful work of IMPACT Chicago and your long service to ESD
Preston Lee
Ryan Libel
Ruth Lipschutz
Zach Livingston
Ida Lockett in honor of Martha Thompson
Kimberly Logan Thanks for providing such an amazing service.
Lori Lovell
Andrew Ludington

Joy M
Shelley MacGregor
Rachel Marro
Duberly Mazuelos Thank you!
Jill McCarthy  Good luck, Janette xoxo
Stephanie McGarrity
Anna McKibben
Ellyn McNamara  February 2017 alumni
Robin Mina
Robin Mordfin
Lin Morris
Annkathrin Murray

Suzanne N I tell EVERYONE about IMPACT.  Attending the February Core Program was so inspiring and truly life changing. Rachel and AC were amazing instructors. Thank you for all you do!
Viktoria Navratilova
Priya Nelson
Katherine Nichols  Thank you Martha for all your work
Maya Nikin
Anthony & Shiyu Nitsos

Elaine O'Sullivan  Well done Janette
Tara O'Shea

Lauren Perez
Debbie Petrone
Liz Pfau in honor of Martha Thompson
Rachel Pildis
Alan Porch

Robin R So proud of you for your dedication to this mission, Janette!
Margaret Raether
Debbie Redenbaugh Woohoo!  Great cause!
Dawn Rhodes
Pamela Robert  Keep up the great work!
Noreen Roche  Great organization! Good luck with the fundraiser!
Domingo Rodriguez
Don & Judy Rosedale in honor of Katie Skibbe

Lauren S
Nichole S
Tammie S.
Heidi Sakol  We're so proud of you, Robin!
Dave & Kathie Samuelson
Alexandra Sandin Thank you for all you do
Shelley Schaaf (Herring)  IMPACT changes lives.  Thank you for all that you do.  One day "no" will be enough, until then there is IMPACT.
Shadai Schreiber
Janette Scott
Rob Scott
Val Scott  Hon the ladies
Peggy Shinner
Katie & Michael Skibbe
Ellen Snortland Sending our love (and $) to IMPACT Chicago from the "Beauty Bites Beast" team!
Susan Stall
Linda Stawicki in appreciation of Jill Britton and Henry Borczyk
Patrice Stearley
H Peter Steeves
Brett Stockdill
Fred Stone
Kate Szczudlo Your words, your actions, and YOU are powerful.

Mary Turner
Alisa Tank
Martha Thompson in honor of the Admin, Board, & Instructor Team: Way to go IMPACT Chicago for so many years of high quality, powerful training!
Sandra Torres
Michelle Trudel  Love you guys.
Micah Underwood

Eloise Van Eaton
Carrie Villa
Margaret Vimont
Cathy Voisin

Sandria Washington  Continue the great work!
Kathleen Williamsen
Nat Wilson

If we have inadvertently left your name off this list or made any other errors, please let us know at Thank you!

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